Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Zazu Puts Loudoun County on the Map!

It pays to speak up.

We have been carrying the famous Cat Studio drinking glasses and pillows since the very beginning days of Zazu. In fact, on my desk I have a framed copy of an InStyle magazine spread from December 2004 where Cat Studio and Zazu shared the very same page.

Cat Studio has now expanded their geography line to include a host of products; glasses, pillows, hand towels, aprons, totes and trays. The glasses and pillows have always been a major hit with our customers. The "Virginia" design has always been the most popular (no kidding!) But ... there was one problem ...

Anyone see it?

We didn't either. Where is Loudoun County? Considering it is one of the fastest growing and wealthiest counties in the U.S., you'd think we would be getting some love from Cat Studio. So, what did we do about it?

We asked Cat Studio to add it. Truthfully, first, we suggested the Zazu logo - when the laughter subsided - we asked for Loudoun County. Got that one!

To finally lay this question to rest ..

Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus.
He's got his own pillow, too!

**Note from the North Pole - this newest geographical hotspot is sure to be on everyone's list this year - the elves may not make them fast enough. Order them early, so they make it down the chimney in time.

1 comment:

  1. The North Pole pillow would really look great in our house for the holidays, hint hint, can't wait to get one.


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