A warm a comforting holiday season to you from Zazu.
We will see you again after the holidays as we spend this next weekish attending to our customers in their quests for the perfect holiday prezzies!
May your days be merry and bright!
Here's the pickle “legend” from one Web site: “A very old Christmas eve tradition in Germany was to hide a pickle [ornament] deep in the branches of the family Christmas Tree. The parents hung the pickle last after all the other ornaments were in place. In the morning they knew the most observant child would receive an extra gift from St. Nicholas. The first adult who finds the pickle traditionally gets good luck for the whole year.” This Christmas pickle story, with a few minor variations, can be found all over the Web and in print inside the ornament package. It says that Germans hang a pickle-shaped glass ornament on the Christmas tree hidden away so it's difficult to find. The first child to find it on Christmas morning gets a special treat or an extra present.
So, each and every MONDAY, one Zazu crewmember is tapped to hide the pickle somewhere in our store shelves. Hint: not on a tree - on a shelf - practically in plain sight. Whomsoever findeth such pickle gets one really great prezzie - The Pickle!
So, come on over to Zazu and get pickled!
Once we got that going, we realized that we had boxes and boxes of old Merchant copies of customer sales receipts, you know the ones. So, with the advent of upgrading our software, the makers of Quickbooks Point of Sale introduced a Signature Capture/PIN Pad device. Voila, we cut our receipt printing in half! They also released their newest version of the software, POS V8. This release has streamlined much of our day-to-day business and allowed our employees to be more efficient, to better serve you- our customers. We also upgraded our financial software to the latest version of Quickbooks 2009, now we're cooking with gas. Monthly bookkeeping and inventory tracking have been cut tremendously, thanks Intuit!
We then thought of what else was being wasted..... Diet coke! That's right, cans and cans of the stuff get summarily dismissed every day and we were just throwing them in the trash (No recycling here for some reason). So, we now have our very own bin in the office that gets taken to the recyclers once a week.
How about the temperature you ask? Well, our store has a great corner window, it lets in lots of sunlight in the afternoon, creating a warm and toasty reprieve from the cold. So, we decided to make the most of nature's free offering and have fine tuned our thermostat to account for the increase in afternoon heat. Our lights rely on timers to get them up in the morning and shut them off after the madding crowds have abated. No sense lighting up the midnight parking lot!
So, there you have it! We have started and will continue to look for ways to help ourselves and our environment. We have cut our administrative paper usage by approximately 75%, our receipt paper by 50%, our energy costs by 10% and saved the landfills from zillions of empty Diet Coke cans. Sorry Staples, our office-supplies spending has been reduced at your expense!
So, what have you done? Let us all know by commenting on how you have managed to get your kids to turn off the lights, driven a bit slower, changed your thermostat to an electronic type (far more efficient) and programmed it according to your occupancy. Let us know what fancy or basic ideas you may have for the rest of us. Remember, not all these ideas are free but an investment in the right ones can provide long lasting benefits.
Are you wearing red, white and blue today? Well, you should be. It's election day! Whether you voted absentee (while sitting on the living room floor in your pajamas), or plan to go to the booths today (in your red, white and blue outfit - go ahead, we'll wait for you to go home and change), you can feel good about being an American. Vote.
We wanted to remind everyone, not to mention ourselves, why we vote. This may or may not have involved watching a few old Schoolhouse Rock videos. Please enjoy Holiday Golightly's Top 10 Reasons to Vote, with a little help from the Preamble to the Constitution.
1) To form a more perfect union - okay, perfection is overrated and can be boring, but we love a good union! The union of two people in love, the union of peanut butter and chocolate, the union of the snake. Discuss!
2) Establish justice - yes, please! We would also like to see certain injustices rectified: guys who say they'll call, then don't; the drastically escalating cost of designer footwear; the return of leggings-as-pants.
3) Ensure domestic tranquility - because tranquility is contagious, and if we can be tranquil domestically, we can work on being tranquil internationally. Can't you just picture all of us swinging in hammocks, collectively sipping glasses of Semillon?
4) Provide for the common defense - normally we find defensiveness kind of annoying, but protecting ourselves is just good policy. Just ask the people at Kotex.
5) Promote the general welfare - welfare has become somewhat of a negative term, with loaded political connotations. The main definition is "Health, happiness, and good fortune". We're going with that one.
6) Secure the blessings of liberty - we love a good blessing; particularly when we sneeze.
7) Life - yes, because without life, what do you have?
8) Liberty - liberty = freedom, and we rely on these things to live our lives the way we want.
9) The pursuit of happiness - "Happiness" is our new nickname for Zac Efron. and last, but not least
10) Because you CAN - you know how sometimes someone says "You can't have a cupcake, because they're for the party", or "You can't just take those Christian Louboutins out of the store without paying for them"? Doesn't that just boil your butter?
Get out there and make your opinion count!
Mountain fresh and glowing with the aromatic snap of crisp Siberian Fir needles, heartening cedarwood and relaxing sandalwood. The Thymes Frasier Fir sets the mood for those special moments that make up your life stories. Creating a tradition to savor ... and to share. Burns cleanly for approximately 50 hours.And ... here's a picture ...