Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Extra, Extra, Blog All About It!

We are spreading the Blog news! See today's article in the Loudoun Times Mirror chronicling Zazu's experience with this new media format.

Totally cool...


  1. Good for you Caroline. We always love traditional businesses adopting marketing techniques that were once reserved for the internet type of businesses. Blog your heart out! Turning it into new business is the key and may be you may even turn it into whole different business. Who knows!

  2. And that upper angle photo makes you look tres tres skinny!!

  3. WOW! I had actually heard about this article from one of my clients who had read it before me! How can that happen!!!?!!!

    Fabulous is all I can say! You guys are awesome!

  4. Great article! Not to mention the fabulous photo. So personable and honest. Yea for you.


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